Grooming of deck
Cadets – 8
Since the time of the last sea-eagle post I witnessed
something very shocking about the watch keeping by some of the newly promoted
MN officers at sea – and that was scary indeed! They simply did not know what
to do by standing a ‘watch’ either Navigational or Cargo Work related..! Unless
there was something to punch in the keys boards of their PCs or the LCD screens
they did not seem to see any point in keeping a ‘watch’, for utter four hours
these young men would not keep a sea watch or a cargo watch as such – what they
were doing was just the administrative work and some operations that were
utmost necessary … but ‘watch keeping’ or interpreting – monitoring at all ..
….. this being a direct and bizarre outcome of the incompetent candidates being
certified to stand watches on ships at sea as ‘competent’ …. Interestingly they
all had undergone very lengthy college and examination times but were also the
victims of slow employment – lengthy waiting periods and lack of motivation, lack
of social prestige that the career once commanded etc. The irony is that their
senior officers – the newly promoted seniors themselves did not see this gross
negligence …. To explain an outcome of this to the non-mariners – it is a sure-shot
progress towards accidents to the ships, ecological and environmental disasters
and imprisonment for these young officers at some point when their ‘luck’ runs
out ….. this may sound like a very hard language but this is exactly what it
When a person is trained through the CBTA and made
competent – he/she understands in entirety – how that system or equipment or
even a procedure works, how to start /initiate it , how to end it /stop it, how
to trip it / suspend it , what are the performance indicators or the
parameters, how to test it, what are the common short comings or breakdowns and
how to address them, how to maintain it / revise – upgrade it and lastly but
not the least how to answer queries about it …
When a person learns with a lot of practical experience
in it – he never ends up with the situation that I witnessed among these few
young officers: - that of coming on the
watch station and not being able to see anything to do and immerse oneself in
some paperwork for all the 4 watch hours with overreliance on the electronics without
understanding its limitations. I found
these officers so disinterested in watch keeping that they were not doing it at
all unless there was an alarm to respond to or a breakdown to look into!!
Hopefully what I saw is only a minority and they would
quickly – of their own – undertake the CBTA approach to the MN careers and discharge
their duties as expected by the International Regulatory bodies and keep the
seas safe – and their company’s business running!!
Safe sailings!
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